Cancer Prevention Group HPV Awareness Day round-up
World Cancer Day 2023: Cancer Prevention Group on ITN

To celebrate World Cancer Day 2023, our Group Head Peter Sasieni, together with Clinical Project Manager Jane Rigney, spoke to ITN.
Hear their insights on the major successes of
HPV vaccination and HPV screening over the past 25-30 years.
Watch in full: Eliminating cervical cancer for the next generation
Extended series:
HPV Awareness Blog Posts
Catch up on our HPV related blog posts from the past year:
- Cervical Screening and HPV Self-Sampling in Denmark
- From Unlikely Allies to Global Elimination Strategy: the history of HPV and cervical cancer
- HPV Vaccination in Japan: the journey to resuming a national immunisation programme
- Reflections on 15 years of HPV vaccine behavioural science
When awareness gaps put lives at risk

In an age of online awareness and health self-advocacy, where do knowledge gaps lie hidden, and who is responsible for conveying vital information on risk?
Juliet Rix was diagnosed with invasive squamous cell carcinoma aged 60. But she had not encountered any information to suggest she could be harbouring an HPV infection picked up decades before. She assumed she had almost zero risk of developing cervical cancer (and no need to attend routine screenings).

Read her full story here.
Ask About HPV fact sheets
Help to spread HPV awareness using the International Papillomavirus Society’s HPV fact sheets, tailored to a range of audiences.
Spread the word at: Ask About HPV
The views expressed are those of the author. Posting of the blog does not signify that the Cancer Prevention Group endorse those views or opinions.