This post is from the BEST3 event website, available here. Stay tuned over the coming weeks for more posts about the results from the BEST3 trial!
Dr Maria O’Donovan is a Consultant Histopathologist in the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Department of Histopathology. Dr Marnix Jansen is a Cancer Research UK (CRUK) clinician-scientist and consultant histopathologist at University College Hospital and UCL Cancer Institute. Mr Marcel Gehrung is the CEO and co-founder at Cyted, a company developing digital diagnostic infrastructure to drive the earlier detection of disease. Join them for an exploration of the pathology of BEST3 and diagnostic artificial intelligence. You can read about the artificial intelligence and deep learning methods that Marcel speaks about here.
The views expressed are those of the author. Posting of the blog does not signify that the Cancer Prevention Group endorse those views or opinions.
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